MOUNTAIN - CDS Primitivo

“You can’t climb a mountain fast.”

We climbed up and over a mountain today. The mountain offered a very mountainous experience, complete with compelling landscapes while we could see them, wild horses, gale force winds, a thick fog, more wild horses, steep rocky paths, cold and hardship.

It was a hell of a fine day.

The trail to the high country was beautiful.

Wild horses. I’d rather be lucky than skillful. As soon as we gained the ridge, these horses came galloping up. I’m half convinced they were trained to stand against the perfect backdrop.

Near and far.

The fog rolls over. And the wind picks up.

More wild horses.

Searching For The Hermit In Vain

By Chia Tao

“I asked the boy sitting beneath the pines. He said, The master is gone alone herb picking somewhere on the mount, cloud-hidden, whereabouts unknown.”

As soon as we started our decent, Boom! You could see forever. We’d been in the clouds for four hours, and that’s all we knew. In a matter of ten steps, it was though the cloud never existed.


We made it to town after a long hard day. The bar had pizza, and cold beers. It was a really good way to recouperate. Such a simple thing, pizza and beer… but so wonderful.