The Allure of Luque
We were hiking west on a ridge top gravel road amongst the ever present olive trees. It began to sprinkle, but we prefer clouds to bright sunshine anyhow - we are among the pale people.
To the south, the town of Luque hovered in the hills. It was visible in the haze - Luque being one of the white walled villages of the region.
I began to ponder the idea of going there instead of continuing this camino. Not seriously, but just “what if..” If you hike long enough, everything gets thought about.
We moseyed on, eventually making it to Baena. After eating, and getting clean, we sat down to figure out the next day. We started talking about what we’d seen, and “What was that village up in the hills to the south?”
Well… We went to find out.
After thirty six days of hiking, we were over it. We’d hiked four hundred ten miles across Spain on three different caminos. We made it to Santiago - That was our main goal. This was a lark. And larks? Well, they don’t have rules. When one is on a lark, you can pretty much do whatever you want.
Here are some photos of the last couple days.
Lunch Stretch.
This image will probably get me black listed one day. But, it was just a sign on a building and I couldn’t help but flex.
We went to a great bar in Alcaudete. We asked for “anything with eggs.” She came back with this massive plate of eggs and ham on fries. Hell Yeah!
The castle and cathedral of Alcaudette in the early morning.
Humanlike torso holding up leaves.
Toad, in death.
An olive tree.
So we came to Luque. And Luque is okay! Though we had grand ambitions of hiking or biking yesterday, we did absolutely nothing. Our bodies said, “No!”
Fine by me.
Headed to Cordoba from here. It’ll be nice to catch some city energy.