Summer Slumber, Autumn Awakens
This magical time of year. The days a mashup of warm late summer and cool autumn moments. Some evenings I turn on the heat to take the edge off. Other afternoons, I wade into lady Superior to cool off. Yesterday, I did both on the same day.
The light angles low, lengthening shadows, and warming color of the tinting leaves and grasses.
A million authors have all tried to wax eloquently about autumn. Its hard to do it justice. Autumn is too atmosheric for words, it demands presence. Its textural. One needs to immerse in the season, at least once, and fully present to get it.
Writing about fall seems ludicrous. Only our equatorial friends and aliens may not have any context of it. And then, why bother?
Im simply trying to stir up your own memories, visions, and taste of fall. If I can get you to remember the smelly tang of birch woodsmoke on cool evening air with the sound of the river next to us, maybe I can get you to agree with me that autumn is great.
I think that’s all Im really trying to say every year: I like autumn. Autumn is great. It helps me be present and use my senses to enjoy it as fully as I can.
May I offer some views this years autumnal beginning?