4/30/23 - Cold Spring
It was a nasty spring day. Continual rain, blustery winds. A chill that rests deep in one's bones. April shivering its way to May. One last snow storm expected.
I spent a good portion of the day inside. It being Sunday - my self imposed day of non-work, I took it easy. I made blueberry pancakes for brunch. I put together my new bike. I read. I stared at the next project for a bit, but did no work.
Finally, I decided to get out and go for a ramble. Rain and cold, be damned!
Heading out into the cold is always more fun when you know you have a warm dry place to return to. I think this feeling goes deep into our roots, Neanderthals wandered easier knowing the cave was warm and dry.
This time of the year in the forest is magical. The snow has flattened all undegrowth. Seasonal creeks, cricks and brooks run full from.l snow melt and rain It’s easy to see, its easy to navigate. There's plenty of distractions. One can take a good stroll this time of year.
I found an obvious deer path - emphasized by the flattened leaves juxtaposed to the ruffled leaves left by their hooves.
I found a giant chunk of chaga.
I harvested a massive snarl of yellow birch to light my fires.
When I returned to my cave I decided to rebuild my fallen rock walls surrounding my greenhouse mudroom. It’s not work if it's fun, right?