Feb 8th, 2023 - Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree was good to me. I scored a midweek campsite at Indian Cove. Changing to Pacific time zone has its perks - I woke up early ready to seize the day.

I hiked that ol’ Boy Scout trail from Indian Cove to the Willow Hole and back, some 18 miles. It was the longest I’ve hiked in a long time, but I'm embracing these challenges… After all, I’ve got this great body - What can I do with it?

I found I could still walk 18 (s)miles with a long day on the trail. I found I still loved scrambling around on the grippy granite. I found out how tired I can get. It got hot. The sun beat down as it does in the desert. My legs ached, but still I smiled.

By the end, I was cursing those “damn do gooder” boy scouts for making the trailhead so far away from the campground.. but really, I was just tired, and hungry, ready to be done. In all reality, I salute those boys for making a kick ass trail!

After unsaddling, I grabbed a cold beer and climbed a likeable rock to sit in the shade and listen to the silence of the stone.

Thank you Joshua Tree!