Granada Granola
Spain is all right, you know?
I haven't written much about it yet, but I wanted to take a bite out of it first, before I made any comments.
I’m starting to get it. Im starting to like it Moor and Moor (get it?). Ive had tapas. I’ve had small beers. I’ve walked miles around Barcelona and now Granada. And tomorra? I go to Seville.
Today I want to talk a bit about Granada. Mostly I want to show you some views of Granada and it’s environs.
That said, I’ve a few comments.
Granada is closer to what I’m looking for in a vacation town than Barcelona is, but I’m still scratching the surface of this country. We’ll see what I find next week.
Granada offers access to the mountains - to the Sierra Nevada. Get out! Go! There are dozens of miles of trails to walk, hike, run, bike and generally find amazing views and quiet nature however you want to do it.
Me? I like to walk through olive groves. Olive trees are very charasmatic.
When you get back to town, Granada has what you want and need: Cold beer, hot food, and a place to stay.
For those of you wanting to delve a bit deeper into the food, Granada has that too. I ate some regional blue cheese that I deemed, “The cocaine of blue cheese.” I’ve never done coke, but from what I’ve read about it “a sudden rush of intense euphoria comes over you” and people who use it “get addicted to this rush” (roughly paraphrased). Eating this cheese is no different. I love this cheese. I (now) need this cheese.
Do I know the name of the cheese? No, I do not. My Spanish skills suck, and i was on my third glass of Riojas, so I missed it when the owner told me the name. I can tell you it’s from the Austurias region, which, has some pretty damn good food.
Beyond that, the history here will fill a few thousand years worth of books and tales.
Granada has the Alhambra palace, built by the Moors, and housed the royal folk back when Granada was the capital of Spain. It’s unbelievable how detailed the craftsmanship is in this Palace.
We took a tour of the joint with a couple hundred other people slowly jostling for position to get their photo in front of something beautiful with a background of several dozen other people doing the same thing from another angle. Humans are weird.
When I walked through, the question that kept coming to me was, “where does the king and queen go to the bathroom?” Generally speaking we’ve all have to process several times a day, but I didn't see any obvious side rooms for that purpose. Maybe they had to hold it whole court was in session… I digress.
Granada is all right, you know? Check it out, you got some time.