Jan 20th, 2023 - On The Cusp

I drove just short of 400 miles to get to these dunes by sunset. It was worth the effort. Not that driving 400 miles is suffering, quite the opposite, but it does have an effect on one's psyche. I was a little loopy when I arrived.

I grabbed a beer and my new camera, and headed up into the sand.

I immediately saw the leading lines to great compositions. I love being on the cusp of shadow and light. Sand dunes in low angled glowing golden light are perfect.

Over the hour of golden light explosions, I found my compositions and regained my composure.


11/27/22 - Contentment. Lake Thunderbird, OK

Scenes of the day.

Did you ever have a day where you are extremely content with life, and your lot in it? That was today.

I was content to make breakfast. Eat it. Read. Go for a six mile run along the unexpected beach. I took a hot shower, getting clean. I ate snacks and watched the sunset over the lake.

I made homemade pizza for dinner, and now happily lying in my hammock drinking coffee and listening to Kurt Vonnegut's "Bluebeard.”