4/6/18 - Cowboy
Charcoal on a cloth dinner napkin.
4/1/18 - The Humble Sargent Major
Charcoal on a cloth dinner napkin.
3/23/18 - Pirate Attacka
Again, I was laughing my ass off drawing this... Plumber's humor.
3/21/18 - Bad Singers
I laughed out loud sketching this one. The falling bird makes it.
3/19/18 - Egg, or is it?
I was thinking of Rene Magritte and his famous pipe.
3/14/18 - "Thim and Thom"
Thim showed up one evening and couldn't sleep. We played music all night.
3/12/18 - Two Guitars, One Banjo
One night, me, Nick and Thim had a great jam session.
3/10/18 - Fishermen of the late 1800's
I'm often inspired by the books I read. In this case, "Captain's Courageous" by Rudyard Kipling.
3/8/18 - Pancakes
I like it when I get it right. When I flip pancakes, my leg flips up too.